On July 8th 2017, Dominic and Mir Sivakumar-Aebi experienced the heartbreak of saying goodbye to their 5 week old daughter, Liliana Mayuri Aebi, at SickKids. Liliana was born on June 3rd, with Noonan Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that currently has no cure.
Despite the difficulties the family faced during the 4 weeks Liliana was in NICU, they were grateful for the kindness and compassion they encountered by all the staff and volunteers at SickKids.
“It was unbelievable – there was no corner you turned where you felt alone. There was always someone to listen and provide support”
The family was especially grateful for the Ronald McDonald Family Room; a place that provided them with a safe and comforting space to rest amidst the turmoil they were living in. “Because our family flew in to be with us, the Family Room gave us all a place to sit, eat, get a coffee…” Mir shares.

“We decided we wanted to give back in memory of Lili, and on behalf of the families who continue to need a place to go for comfort and quiet”, Mir says.
Supporting the RMHC Family Room has become a family affair for the Sivakumar-Aebi’s. Since Lili’s passing, the family returns almost every month with donations for the room. With the addition of their sons Augustus and Alexander, their contributions have evolved into also teaching their children the importance of giving when you can.
This past June 3rd, which would have been Liliana’s 7th birthday, both Augustus and Alexander held a bake sale raising $4100 for the RMHC Family Room – a feat they could not have achieved if not for the continuous support of family, friends and their community.
“As a parent, you want to shelter your kids…But we want to teach them that sad things happen…and to do what you can do to help.”
To make a donation to support families like the Sivakumar-Aebis, visit: rmhctoronto.ca/a-place-to-call-home-f24