Little Mélodie’s early arrival was a frightening time for her parents. But thanks to our donors, her family got the support they needed while she received life-saving care.

It was Mother’s Day 2022 when Emélie Carswell started to experience strong cramps. At just 26 weeks pregnant, she never expected that she’d become a mother the next day.

“When we got to the hospital, we found out the baby was coming,” shares Emélie’s husband, Ken. “And to make matters worse, the baby was fully breech.” 

Their small community hospital wasn’t equipped for such a high-risk delivery—but there was no time to move Emélie. So a team of specialists from Ornge Air Ambulance and SickKids Hospital rushed to her side.

Mélodie Carswell was born on May 9, weighing just 2 pounds 6 ounces. She had no heartbeat, but luckily, the medical team managed to restore her vitals and stabilize her. The family was rushed to the hospital in Toronto, almost 2 hours from home.

They would stay there for the next three and a half months—the toughest and most stressful months of their lives. But thanks to generous supporters like you, the Carswell family found comfort, care, and support when they needed it most at RMHC Toronto.   

The Carswell family is growing!

“It was like coming home to a second family.”

“Right as we pulled up to Ronald McDonald House Toronto and someone came out to meet us, there was instant relief, like a weight off our shoulders,” Ken says. “The team was extremely welcoming. It was like coming home to a second family.”

“The outpouring of support from the team was absolutely amazing. It didn’t matter what time of day—anything we needed, we could reach out and ask. Whether it was food, parking, emotional support—they said ‘we’re here for you, to help you in any way we possibly can.’ And they stuck to their words.”

One of the most vital aspects of helping a premature baby like Mélodie thrive is skin-to-skin contact. Staying close to the hospital at RMHC Toronto allowed Emélie and Ken to spend as much time as possible—12 to 16 hours a day—bonding with their tiny daughter cuddled on their chest.

At the end of a long day at the NICU, Ken and Emélie were incredibly grateful to be able to come home to the peace and comfort of RMHC Toronto, and to feel the support of the whole team behind them.

“The staff were amazing, they were there for us every single day,” Ken says. “The meals were a godsend to our family. Even if we got back to RMHC at 1:00 am, our meals would be there waiting for us.” 

The Carswells are incredibly grateful to the RMHC Toronto community for keeping them close to baby Mélodie. Today, they are expecting their second bundle of joy, and have never forgotten the impact of RMHC Toronto’s mission. Ken currently works for our Founding and Forever Partner, McDonald’s, in their hometown as General Manager, and proudly says he is one of our biggest advocates.

To make a donation to support families like the Carswells, visit: